public class TColumnDefinition extends TParseTreeNode
Constructor and Description |
TColumnDefinition() |
TColumnDefinition(TObjectName columnName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
accept(TParseTreeVisitor v)
Accept a visitor
void |
acceptChildren(TParseTreeVisitor v)
Accept a visitor to iterate this class and sub-nodes of this class
void |
addNewConstraint(TConstraint pConstraint) |
void |
doParse(TCustomSqlStatement psql,
ESqlClause plocation)
Analyze the sub-nodes inside this node.
String |
getCollationName() |
TColumnAttributes |
getColumnAttributes() |
TObjectName |
getColumnName() |
TObjectName |
getComment() |
TExpression |
getComputedColumnExpression() |
TConstraintList |
getConstraints() |
TTypeName |
When create table by using a subquery, then you can omit column and datatype unless you are creating an index-organized table.
TExpression |
The DEFAULT clause lets you specify a value to be assigned to the column if a
subsequent INSERT statement omits a value for the column.
String |
getEncoding() |
TExpression |
getIncrement() |
TExpression |
getSeed() |
TSourceToken |
Oracle, path of xml table column
void |
init(Object arg1)
Initialize a query tree node.
void |
init(Object arg1,
Object arg2) |
void |
init(Object arg1,
Object arg2,
Object arg3) |
boolean |
isIdentity() |
boolean |
isNull() |
boolean |
isRowGuidCol() |
void |
setCollationName(String collationName) |
void |
setColumnAttributes(TColumnAttributes pcolumnAttributes) |
void |
setColumnName(TObjectName columnName) |
void |
setColumnReferences(TObjectNameList columnReferences) |
void |
setComment(TObjectName comment) |
void |
setComputedColumnExpression(TExpression computedColumnExpression) |
void |
setConstraints(TConstraintList constraints) |
void |
setDatatype(TTypeName datatype) |
void |
setDefaultExpression(TExpression defaultExpression) |
void |
setEncoding(String encoding) |
void |
setIdentity(boolean isIdentity) |
void |
setIncrement(TExpression increment) |
void |
setNull(boolean aNull) |
void |
setRowGuidCol(boolean isRowGuidCol) |
void |
setSeed(TExpression seed) |
void |
setXmlTableColumnPath(TSourceToken xmlTableColumnPath) |
addAllMyTokensToTokenList, appendString, fastSetString, getColumnNo, getDummyTag, getEndToken, getGsqlparser, getLineNo, getNodeType, getStartToken, init, init, init, removeAllMyTokensFromTokenList, setDummyTag, setEndToken, setEndToken, setEndToken, setEndToken, setGsqlparser, setIncludingComment, setNodeType, setStartToken, setStartToken, setStartToken, setStartToken, setString, toScript, toString
public TColumnDefinition()
public TColumnDefinition(TObjectName columnName)
public void setXmlTableColumnPath(TSourceToken xmlTableColumnPath)
public TSourceToken getXmlTableColumnPath()
public TColumnAttributes getColumnAttributes()
public void setColumnAttributes(TColumnAttributes pcolumnAttributes)
public TObjectName getComment()
public void setComment(TObjectName comment)
public void init(Object arg1)
in class TParseTreeNode
- first argumentpublic void init(Object arg1, Object arg2)
in class TParseTreeNode
public void init(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3)
in class TParseTreeNode
public TObjectName getColumnName()
public void setColumnName(TObjectName columnName)
public void setColumnReferences(TObjectNameList columnReferences)
public void setDatatype(TTypeName datatype)
public void setConstraints(TConstraintList constraints)
public void setRowGuidCol(boolean isRowGuidCol)
public void setSeed(TExpression seed)
public void setIncrement(TExpression increment)
public void setIdentity(boolean isIdentity)
public TTypeName getDatatype()
If you specify AS subquery when creating an index-organized table, then you must specify column, and you must omit datatype.
So datetype can be null.
public void addNewConstraint(TConstraint pConstraint)
public TConstraintList getConstraints()
public void setDefaultExpression(TExpression defaultExpression)
public TExpression getDefaultExpression()
public void setNull(boolean aNull)
public boolean isNull()
public boolean isRowGuidCol()
public void accept(TParseTreeVisitor v)
in interface Visitable
in class TParseTreeNode
- visitor is a descendant class of TParseTreeVisitor
public void acceptChildren(TParseTreeVisitor v)
in interface Visitable
in class TParseTreeNode
- visitor is a descendant class of TParseTreeVisitor
public void setEncoding(String encoding)
public String getEncoding()
public void setCollationName(String collationName)
public String getCollationName()
public TExpression getIncrement()
public TExpression getSeed()
public boolean isIdentity()
public void setComputedColumnExpression(TExpression computedColumnExpression)
public TExpression getComputedColumnExpression()
public void doParse(TCustomSqlStatement psql, ESqlClause plocation)
in class TParseTreeNode
- SQL statement this node belongs toplocation
- SQL clause this node belongs toCopyright © 2019. All rights reserved.